Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Realtor's Survival Kit

It occurs to me that there are things that I should always have in my car in order to be an effective realtor:
Tape measure - some clients will always want to measure rooms or windows
Flashlight - ever get a face full of cobweb when trying to find a light in the basement?
Note cards - to leave a handwritten note when you can't reach someone in person
Mints - always a good thing to have on hand. My client Hal likes them. His last name is Itosis (haha)
Spare batteries (for the flashlight, keypad, etc.)
Scotch tape - to tape those note cards in a high-visibility place
Note pad - not to take notes literally, but to remind me to always LISTEN!
Duck Tape (or what I commonly call duct tape) - why? Just because every survival kit has to have duct tape, right?

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