Saturday, November 19, 2011

New CT law that affects land listings

Something just came to my attention regarding a land listing I have in Westport, CT:

 In 2007, my owner went to considerable time and expense to get approvals to build a single family home on an undeveloped piece of land in Westport.  Because it was on the Saugatuck River and Taylor Salt Marsh (owned by the Aspetuck Land Trust), we had to go through Conservation Commission in addition to the other Town offices.  Also because the land was on a State Road, we also had to get the curb cut and sewer approvals from the Connecticut Department of Transportation. As it turns out, we did not build a house, and asked the Town of Westport Planning & Zoning for extensions on the permits.

It has come to my attention that the in May of 2011, the CT State Senate approved Public Act 11-5 which extends the site plan approvals (which are the costly and time-consuming ones) for 9 years.

This means that while local zoning boards might require a new application if the current permits expire, the costly site plans are still good for 9 years.  That is good news for owners and builders alike,  who need more time because of the current economic situation in the real estate market.  As with everything, some restrictions apply, so if you think you are affected by this, check the actual wording of Public Act 11-5!

The link to Public Act 11-5 from the Connecticut State Senate is:

This does not cover every permit we have received, but it does go a long way to provide relief!

By the way, if you want more details about this amazing property for sale, let me know.  It is very rare to have a waterfront property which is also walking distance to downtown.  There is a sidewalk that takes you from the property site right to Main Street in less than 1/2 mile!  Contact me at or cell 917-579-0631 for more information!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strategic Alliance for Healthy Living

A powerful pair has emerged in Fairfield County: Huge New FitnessEdge facilities within 1/2 mile of Whole Foods markets! 
If getting in a healthy habit appeals to you, this is a winning combination.  FitnessEdge did not allow me to photograph anything inside, but the outside of the Norwalk facility looks like this (see above) and the web addresss is Feel free to check it out, either on line or in person.  "The Edge" has a full sampling of the latest exercise equipment (with tvs so you can multi-task), personal trainers, locker rooms, sauna, showers, etc. PLUS a large menu of classes ranging from cardio, like Cycling, Kettleball bootcamp, kickboxing, Zumba and more; weight training (edge flex) and others, like yoga, power yoga, and Pilates.   I love the classes!

After a nice workout,
what is better than something healthy to eat?

Whether by accident or design, if you work
out at a Fitness Edge in Fairfield County, you
will probably find a Whole Foods Market
very close by!  While some people think Whole Foods is pricey, don't be fooled!  The salad bar
and breakfast bar are very reasonable and full
of really good quality, tasty food!

Here is an example: 

This sample meal from the breakfast bar has scrambled
eggs, turkey sausage (at least 3 links), home fries, french toast topped with real maple syrup, fresh rasberries, blueberries and strawberries.  Add to it a 16 oz cup of EXCELLENT quality
coffee. (This is considered a medium size - others serve 8oz)

The food portion of this order was $3.69
The 16 oz coffee was $1.85

The total for this entire meal was $5.64 and it is a lot of food -
good food, not just buns, buscuits, and fillers.

Like bacon?  They have apple smoked bacon and turkey bacon.
When is the last time your breakfast included fresh rasberries?

The salad bar is 3 times as large as the breakfast bar, with plenty of meat, fish, grains, salads, fruits, yoghurts, you name it.  I like to eat, and as you can see from that breakfast plate, I don't eat just "bird food". The salad bar has plenty of variety - something for every appetite.

So take advantage of the winning combination of convenient exercise with great food, reasonably priced. If it seems like this blog is skewed toward the food aspect, it is only because I couldn't photograph any specifics about the FitnessEdge, but try it - it is great!  My favorites are Zumba (fun, cardio with lots of dance steps) combined with Edge Flex (weights and strength training).  Other friends like the machines and go through the circuits that cover each muscle group.  Plenty for everyone!  Get strong - get healthy!